The Beluga Cinematic Universe Wiki

“Voice Reveals” be like… is a video in The Beluga Cinematic Universe.


The video starts with Pepper talking to Beluga. She then asks Beluga to do a voice reveal, and Beluga replies with a no due to the fact pepper could be a guy pretending to be a girl. Eugene joins the server and asks if they’re doing a voice reveal. Beluga says no, and Pepper says yes. Eugene goes first, and his voice reveals with creepy laughter. Beluga thanks Eugene because he’s going to have nightmares. It’s Pepper’s turn, and Beluga threateningly says she’d better be a girl or he’s leaving this planet. Pepper’s voice reveals with a meow. Eugene states it’s a possible female in VC 1, so he calls the Admin Team to investigate if Pepper is a girl or a guy. The Admin Team (Pablo, Lester and Ralph) join the voice chat to investigate. Pepper meows again and the team say that it’s definitely a female. Pepper leaves the voice chat because that’s all the team will get, so now it’s Beluga’s turn. Beluga says he does not want to, but according to rule 438-B, he should share private information when asked or he’ll be banned. Before Beluga could reveal his voice, Hecker DMs him to use the voice changer, and Beluga sets the mode to “girl”. Hecker warns Beluga that the girl setting has dangerous consequences, and Beluga reminds Hecker that he’s a cat, and if something goes wrong, he has eight other lives. Beluga reveals his voice (voice-changed as girl) and it caused the admins to finish a sentence. Beluga speaks again and Lester says it’s confirmed there is a female in VC 1. Eugene then asks Beluga to send pictures or he’ll get banned. The topic wasn’t just a voice-reveal, but a face-reveal, causing users to show private information. Beluga states he’s a little shy, and Pablo says it wasn’t a question, and Lester also needed to see what Beluga looks like, so he said that he’ll face the consequences if he doesn’t show his face. To find out what Beluga looks like, (without even posting a photo), Eugene announces that he’ll take care of it. Eugene leaves the voice chat, then reappears with his creepy laughter.

Beluga’s Point Of View (POV)[]

Beluga opens his door and finds Eugene. When Eugene finds out what Beluga looks like, he suddenly kills him. At the end, there is no moral or quote to this video, because Beluga had already died.

